Our teams

Bringing together expertise, knowledge and best practice

All our work is co-designed, co-owned and co-delivered with our partners with the aim of building local improvement capacity to meet local need.

View the ihub senior management team

National Improvement Programmes

Care Delivery – supporting delivery partners to improve key aspects of their care delivery system. The programmes focus on key themes that are priorities for improvement across Scotland. The Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP) forms a core part of the work of a number of our care delivery programmes, with an overall aim to improve the safety and reliability of care and reduce harm.

System Enablers – supporting delivery partners to develop the knowledge, skills, cultures and infrastructures that enable the work of improvement.

Bespoke Improvement Support - In addition to our national improvement programmes we also provide bespoke improvement support to help address key local priorities.

Grants and Allocations - Providing grants and allocations to enable work to happen locally.

Separate but interconnected approaches

Having these three high level approaches to supporting improvement increases our flexibility to design solutions that meet current needs.

The detail of these programmes will adapt over time in response to stakeholder needs and changes to context.

Our current portfolio’s and programmes of work

The ihub currently runs 12 portfolios of work and the Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP)

  1. Access QI
  2. Acute Care
  3. Evidence and Evaluation for Improvement 
  4. Focus on Dementia
  5. Community Care
  6. Mental Health
  7. People-Led Care
  8. Housing and Homelessness in Healthcare
  9. Primary Care
  10. Quality Management System
  11. Strategic Planning
  12. Value Management

The Scottish Patient Safety Programme