Date: 28 Apr 2021
Time: 10:00am to 12 noon
Location: Webinar

Health and Social Care Service Design Community of Practice webinar

The fourth Community of Practice session from the ihub's People-Led Care team is at 10:00am on Wednesday 28 April 2021.

Based on feedback and success of our previous sessions, we decided again that we will have two presentations from the following organisations/individuals:

  • Service Design Hub, National Services Scotland (NSS) on the work done in relation to the COVID-19 vaccination delivery and;
  • ihub, Healthcare Improvement Scotland and Leah Lockhart, Freelance design researcher and facilitator on recent work exploring how to develop and embed a minimum standard framework for user research to support improvement and redesign work.

As always, there will be time to ask questions of our speakers and have further discussion with other participants during the event.

To register, visit: