Date: 29 Nov 2016
Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Location: Edinburgh International Conference Centre

Registration has now closed for the Scottish Patient Safety Programme National Conference; Improving care for people in Scotland. A focus on deterioration: prevention, recognition and response.

750 delegates are due to attend with representation from all NHSScotland boards, Health and Social Care Partnerships, NHS England, NHS Wales and attendees from as far as Spain and Israel.

By attending the conference delegates will:

  • Celebrate the success that teams have achieved in reducing harm in health and social care services across Scotland and beyond
  • Share practical approaches to prevent deterioration and improve outcomes, and
  • Network with delegates to learn from their experiences of an integrated approach to prevention, recognition and response to deterioration.

The agenda for the day has now been finalised and can be found here. All sessions are full, so everyone must go to the session they are scheduled to attend. Don’t worry if you forget which session you should attend as personalised name badges are being emailed out to in advance.

If people are unable to attend the conference they can follow the day on Twitter, using the Hashtag #SPSPConf16.

Should anyone have any queries regarding the conference please contact the organising team (

Click HERE to view the flyer