Date: Thursday 19th January 2023

Time: 10am - 12pm

Location: MS Teams

Reducing Reliance on Adult Mental Health Impatient Care (RrAMHIC) is about designing pathways of care, ready for implementation, which aim to advance ideas on how to reduce reliance on adult mental health inpatient care and this national event will provide a forum to learn, share information, highlight barriers to progress and discover potential opportunities.

Evidence indicates there are three strategic challenges to reducing reliance on adult mental health inpatients.

  • Continuity of care
  • Third sector and community involvement
  • Governance arrangements and productive relationships between system partners

This session will focus on the work produced by RrAMHIC with presentations and discussions that will give you insights and strategies on how to progress work locally in the context of mental health. At the event we will hear from 3 speakers, as outlined below, along with an opportunity to take part via breakout sessions.

There will be presentations from:

  • Linda Irvine Fitzpatrick, Strategic Programme Manager, Thrive Edinburgh SRO, Edinburgh Wellbeing Pact and Community Mobilisation, Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Strathclyde and Queen Margaret Universities
  • Colin Briggs, Director of Strategic Planning, NHS Lothian, Interim Director of Regional Planning, East Region, Chair NHS Scotland Directors of Planning
  • Janine Hunt, CEO Partners for Inclusion


Registration will be open via Eventbrite and will close on the 17th of January 2023. Please access the Eventbrite registration below.

Register Here

This event is open to all who play a role in acute and community mental health services across the country including NHS Boards, HSCPs, ADPs, third & independent sector, community groups and voluntary workers. 

Should you have any queries at this stage please do not hesitate to contact