Why is this important?
Many services across Scotland are learning about the impact of ACEs and thinking about how best to develop adversity and trauma-informed services. Housing professionals need to know about these developments and consider ways in which our services should develop and respond to this growing body of evidence. Dealing with adversity and trauma appropriately can help us provide the best possible service and assistance to vulnerable tenants as well as help us think about changes to policies, procedures and ways of working that will help improve life outcomes for our communities.
Screening of Resilience Documentary
During the events, NHS Health Scotland will be showing ‘Resilience: The Biology of Stress and the Science of Hope’, this award-winning documentary investigates the science of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the detrimental impact that toxic stress can have on health in childhood and beyond. Many customers of our housing services will have had experiences of ACEs and therefore it is important that as a service we are prepared and respond appropriately. Following the screening there will be a panel discussion with representatives from the Scottish ACEs Hub, public health and the housing sector. This will then be followed by group discussions and reflections to consider how we can use this knowledge when developing our housing services.
Watch the trailer by clicking this link: https://kpjrfilms.co/resilience/
Who has organised this event?
These events have been organised by NHS Health Scotland in partnership with NHS Healthcare Improvement Scotland iHub, Scottish Federation of Housing Associations and Glasgow and West of Scotland Forum.
How do I book?
Ayr Event
Date 29 November 2018
Time Registration 13.00 for 13.30 start - finish 4.30pm
Venue Ayr Town Hall, Ayr