Date: 20 Apr 2023
Time: 10:00 to 15:30
Location: Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel (Glasgow) and online

Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP) Acute Adult Collaborative National Learning Event

We were pleased to host the Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP) Acute Adult Collaborative National Learning Event on Thursday 20 April 2023.

We were delighted to welcome health and social care colleagues to our hybrid national learning event.

Please access resources and recordings from our event

Event Resources and Recordings

The event had the following aims

  • share collaborative improvement work with a focus on the Essentials of Safe Care, falls and deteriorating patient
  • provide a networking and learning opportunity for SPSP Acute Adult Collaborative teams, and
  • hear from other UK nations about their improvement work on Falls and Deteriorating Patient.

If you have any queries on this event or would like to speak to the team please don’t hesitate to contact