SPSP Paediatric Webinar: Worry and Concern: A Focus on Parental, Carer and Patient Concern: June 2024

The aims of the webinar were:

  • To understand responses to worry and concern in paediatric services in the current context
  • To explore patient, family and carer concern in relation to the work of the SPSP Paediatric Collaborative
  • To share a range of examples of interventions which act on patient, family and carer concern


  • Jess Hart, Clinical Nurse Consultant, Patient at Risk team, Starship Child Health, Auckland, New Zealand
  • Annie Campbell, Senior Paediatric Charge Nurse, NHS Lanarkshire


Webinar resources:

Resource Source  What it is and what's it for?

Starship - Kōrero Mai (Talk to me)

Starship Child Health

Kōrero Mai (Talk to Me) is a patient and family approach to raising concern that supports ward teams, young people, and parents in working together to escalate care.

Ryan's Rule

Queensland Government

Ryan's Rule is a 3-step process that supports patients, families and carers to raise concerns if a patient’s health condition is getting worse or not improving as well as expected.

Martha's Rule

NHS England

An approach to ensure the vitally important concerns of the patient and those who know the patient best are listened to and acted upon.