Accelerator sites
We are working with NHS boards to prototype the application of a QI approach to improve access and sustainably reduce waiting times. Three boards were recruited as accelerator sites in October 2019 until the end of March 2021. We have co-designed the delivery of the programme with the accelerator sites.
Each site has identified three pathways to focus their improvement activity:
- NHS Grampian are focusing on Dermatology, Gynaecology and Urology
- NHS Lothian are focusing on Dermatology, CAMHS and Urology, and
- NHS Tayside are focusing on Colorectal, Gynaecology and Urology.
Access QI was paused between March and June 2020 due to COVID-19. In July 2020 we restarted work with NHS Grampian and NHS Tayside, due to COVID-19 pressures NHS Lothian were not able to return to the programme. In response to COVID-19, the aim of the programme expanded to include using a QI approach to remobilise elective care pathways.
Improving planned care pathways toolkit
We have taken our learning from phase one and developed an 'Improving planned care pathways toolkit' (aligned to the improvement journey) to support planned care services to improve pathways, balance their demand and capacity and reduce waiting times. (Published 15 March 2021)
Streamlining a patient pathway using process mapping
Bringing together staff and teams from across a patient pathway can help identify change opportunities. Read how NHS Grampian successfully designed a new and more streamlined pathway by conducting a Claims, Concerns, and Issues exercise and process mapping. (Published 04 March 2021)
Updates from December 2020
Stay informed on the latest from our accelerator sites and read our recently published update. (Published 21 December 2020)
Using SPC charts to provide assurance during COVID-19
To aide decision-making at pace during COVID-19, the Health and Business Intelligence (HBI) Team at NHS Tayside created a tailored Statistical Process Control (SPC) chart template to present data in an easy to read manner. Find out more in our innovation summary. (Published 24 November 2020)
NHS Grampian: Patient engagement guide
To engage with patients despite COVID-19 restrictions, NHS Grampian Dermatology and Plastics services used NHS Near Me to conduct in-depth interviews with patients who had received care as part of the Urgent Suspected Care (USC) pathway. The team shared some helpful tips and recommendations in this patient engagement guide with a case study to follow in 2021 (Published 20 November 2020)
Virtual learning session
We held our first virtual learning session with our accelerator sites in November 2020. This session focused on a year in review, looking at what had gone well, the challenges that were faced etc. The session (normally face to face) was designed to give sites the opportunity to come together, ask questions and learn from one another. (Published 10 November 2020)
NHS Tayside: Remobilisation toolkit
To support the remobilisation process, NHS Tayside have created Remobilisation toolkit. The toolkit outlines a process and key considerations to help NHS boards to safely remobilise elective care. (Published 2 September 2020)
NHS Lothian: Last 10 patients tool
Mapping the last 10 patients can help understand patient flow within a pathway and identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement. You can see the last 10 patient tool we developed with NHS Lothian, and a summary of the NHS Lothian Dermatology experience on our Tools and Resources page (Published 6 August 2020)
The Accelerator site programme is restarting as NHS boards remobilise their routine elective care services. NHS Grampian will continue to focus on using QI to improve three elective care pathways. NHS Tayside have changed their local project to focus on using a QI approach to test and rapidly spread a systemic mechanism towards safely remobilising all their elective care services. Due to COVID-19 pressures NHS Lothian were not able to return to the programme (Published 24 July 2020)
Unfortunately the Accelerator site programme has been suspended due to COVID-19. We look forward to restarting the programme at a more suitable time in the future. (Published 20 March 2020)
The first accelerator site learning session
The first Access QI learning session took place on 3 March, where our accelerator sites came together to share learning and discuss challenges and successes. Continue reading... (Published 17 March 2020)
Project Surgery
The first Project Surgery took place virtually on 29 January. The Access QI team, and delegates from NHS Grampian, NHS Lothian, and NHS Tayside discussed the revised measurement guide and how they will be reporting their collected data on key outcome measures. The accelerator sites also provided an update on the work that is taking place within the pathways. (Published 30 January 2019)
Data and Measures session
We held a Data and Measures virtual session on 18 December 2019. The Access QI team, and delegates from NHS Grampian, NHS Lothian and NHS Tayside discussed a draft measurement plan. Historically there have been challenges measuring capacity in pathways, and sites are going to try collecting data on key outcome measures for the end of January. (Published 18 December 2019)
Launch event
We held the Access QI launch event on 30 October 2019. It included an introduction to Access QI by Ruth Glassborow, Director of Improvement, and workshops on proposed measures, pathway diagnostic and scheduling systems. (Published 8 November)
Accelerator site recruitment
We have recruited NHS Grampian, NHS Lothian and NHS Tayside as accelerator sites. Each site has identified three pathways to focus their improvement activity:
• NHS Grampian are focusing on Dermatology, Gynaecology and Urology,
• NHS Lothian are focusing on Dermatology, CAMHS and Urology, and
• NHS Tayside are focusing on Colorectal, Gynaecology and potentially Urology.
(Published 28 October 2019)
See our updates page for more news from Access QI.