Digital rehabilitation increases staff capacity and keeps patients safe

A new orthopaedic surgery pathway being used at Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust has been shown to both reduce the length of time patient spends in hospital and increase staff efficiency. A BPMpathway Range of Motion (ROM) sensor ankle bracelet is a digital innovation that, with a downloaded app and access to a digital platform, can enable patients to take control of their pre and post-operative exercises. This reduces a patient’s need for appointments and time spent in hospital as they can both prepare for their surgery, and recover following surgery at home. The patient is guided through a number of daily exercises.

“Through innovative technology and a paradigm shift in the patient pathway, in-stay can be transformed into patient-led rehabilitation at home with remote support and guidance, positively impacting healthcare system efficiency and productivity” - B. Braun Medical Ltd 

It is very much patient-led, as patients can access the digital platform and track their progress. The platform gives patients a direct link to staff with the use of a secure instant messaging system (monitored 7 days a week), establishing the patient/staff relationship prior to surgery. Patients are then able to log any pain they experience whilst completing the exercises. Additionally, staff have found that having the instant accessibility to real-time data has ensured that they feel confident discharging patients earlier following treatment. Therefore, rather than an in-stay duration of between two to four days, some patients are able to return home on the day of their surgery.

Patients have expressed that they feel the sensor is beneficial and are reassured that despite not seeing staff face-to-face, they are still able to receive a tailored rehabilitation programme which suits their needs. In the event that a patient is struggling, or has additional treatment needs, they are prioritised to receive one-to-one care.
With fewer patients requiring outpatient and community physiotherapy appointments, the pathway has increased staff capacity as they able to be more efficient with their time and has shown to be cost saving.

You can learn more about the pathway in this video, and by visiting this website.


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