Resources to help staff manage bereavement in the workplace
NHS Education for Scotland are hosting a free, monthly webinar series for health and social care professionals across Scotland. The series focuses on topics related to coping with bereavement (both personally and within the workplace). Attendees are able to submit questions in advance, as well as during the Q+A segment of the session. Registration and further details about the webinar series is available online.
COVID-19 specific bereavement resources
Since it was launched in 2015 by NHS Education for Scotland, the Support Around Death (SAD) website has provided resources and training for professionals who work with the bereaved in Scotland. During COVID-19, the site has been expanded to include support resources specifically focused on COVID-19 related death and bereavement. This is to ensure staff have access to tailored guides and resources for these unprecedented times. NHS Education for Scotland were concerned that information developed pre-COVID-19 may not be fully relevant to the current working environment. COVID-19 Bereavement resources are available on the dedicated webpage of the SAD website.
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