Mobile blood tests reduce hospital footfall

To help reduce the need for a patient to visit the hospital for a blood test, a new mobile phlebotomy service has been created by Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with CHS Healthcare. This new service provides blood tests in the comfort of a patient’s home. The service is available for patients who are currently self-isolating, shielding, or due to have a virtual appointment. This helps keep both patients and staff safe. Blood will help with a diagnosis, to monitor a treatment, or to exclude certain conditions.

How does it work?

  1. Patients will receive a telephone call to arrange the appointment. A subsequent text message or email to will be sent to the patient confirming the details.
  2. On the day of their appointment, the patient is asked to drink plenty of water prior to the visit (unless advised otherwise).
  3. For the appointment the phlebotomist will arrive at the patient’s home wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) and administer the tests. The samples are then sent to the Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospitals and results will be passed on to the appropriate clinical team.
  4. Should a result be abnormal or requiring further consultation the clinical team will contact the patient directly.
    In the event of the patient being unwell or unable to make the appointment, they are provided with contact details to reschedule.

The patient leaflet provides full details and you can also visit the service website.


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