SPSP Acute Adult

Working with NHS Boards, Scottish Government and HIS colleagues to spread improvement programmes which reduce harm and enhance the experience and outcomes for people in acute care

The pandemic foregrounded safety and reliability as essential to healthcare but also posed new challenges in how to progress systems based approaches to improvement.

Following the first wave of COVID-19, engagement with NHS boards identified the following priorities:

  • Reducing falls and falls with harm, and 
  • Care of patients who experience a physiological deterioration during their hospital stay.

For more information please visit the SPSP Acute Adult Collaborative web page here.

Support for NHS Boards, Scottish Government and HIS colleagues

We work in partnership with NHS boards, Scottish Government and HIS colleagues to:

  • Support the implementation and spread of a falls change package
  • Support the implementation and spread of a deteriorating patient change package
  • Provide practical evidence based tools and resources
  • Deliver national learning sessions and events
  • Co-design and deliver project surgeries with a focus on falls and deteriorating patient
  • Facilitate falls and deteriorating patient improvement networks
  • Support the delivery of the SPSP learning system incorporating a programme of webinars, case studies, good practice to support learning and sharing of knowledge

Get involved

All 14 NHS health boards boards are currently participating in the programme. You can still get involved by:

  • Connecting with the SPSP Programme manager in your area
  • Registering your interest by contacting his.acutecare@nhs.scot 
  • Using the falls change package to review driver diagram, measures and evidence /resources
  • Using the deteriorating patient change package to review driver diagram, measures and evidence/resources
  • Joining our SPSP Acute Adult MS Teams channels to network and be kept up to date of activities and events

Get in touch

Email us at his.acutecare@nhs.scot if you have any questions about the SPSP Acute Adult Programme or if would like to speak to a member of the team.