SPSP Acute Adult programme updates
The SPSP Acute Adult collaborative (2021-2024) aimed to reduce falls and falls with harm and improve the recognition and timely intervention for deteriorating patients. All NHS Scotland territorial boards took part in the collaborative, the impact of which included a 9% national reduction in the rate of falls in acute hospitals.
We are pleased to share a summary report on the impact of the collaborative alongside a short report highlighting the falls improvement work:
Further details available in the SPSP Acute Adult collaborative impact report here.
Key Documents:
SPSP Acute Adult Collaborative
- SPSP Acute Adult collaborative summary impact report
- SPSP Acute Adult collaborative impact report
- SPSP Falls highlights report
Deteriorating Patient
- 2023 SPSP Acute Adult Programme Deteriorating Patient Change Package
- 2024 SPSP Acute Adult Programme Deteriorating Patient and Sepsis Measurement Framework
- 2023 Acute Adult Programme Deteriorating Patient Change Package Accessible version
- 2023 Acute Adult Programme Deteriorating Patient Change Package Shortened version - without tools and resources
- 2023 SPSP Acute Adult Programme Sepsis Change Package
- 2024 SPSP Acute Adult Programme Deteriorating Patient and Sepsis Measurement Framework
- 2023 SPSP Acute Adult Programme Sepsis Change Package Accessible Document
- 2023 SPSP Acute Adult Programme Sepsis Change Package Shortened version - without tools and resources
- 2023 SPSP Acute Adult Programme Falls Reduction Change Package
- 2023 SPSP Acute Adult Programme Falls Measurement Framework
- 2023 SPSP Acute Adult Programme Falls Reduction Change Package Accessible Document
- 2023 SPSP Acute Adult Programme Falls Reduction Change Package Shortened version - without tools and resources
SPSP Acute Adult Collaborative Celebration Event 2024: A Collaborative Journey: Celebrating Learning Together. To mark the official end of the SPSP Acute Adult Collaborative we were delighted to bring colleagues together from across Scotland to celebrate and build on the successes of the collaborative and to look to the future of sustaining the incredible work that has happened over the last two years. This hybrid event took place on Tuesday 26 March 2024 at the Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel, Glasgow. Recordings, presentations and resources can be found on our event delegate bag page.
We are pleased to share the refreshed 2023 SPSP Acute Adult Programme Deteriorating Patient Driver Diagram, Change Package and 2024 Measurement Framework. The update is evidence informed and was co-designed with the SPSP Deteriorating Patient improvement network.
Additional resources here:
These resources are intended to support deteriorating patient improvement work in your area. If you have any questions about the resources please contact his.acutecare@nhs.scot.
We are pleased to share the updated 2023 SPSP Acute Adult Programme Pressure Ulcer Driver Diagram, Change Package and Measurement Framework. These resources were co-designed with clinical, care, and quality improvement experts from across a range of care settings and NHS Boards. Alongside expert perspectives, the experiences of people and families, and the evidence base for the prevention, recognition and management of pressure ulcers have informed these resources.
A special thanks to our Expert Reference Group, people with lived experience and their families for generously contributing their expertise.
Additional resources here:
These resources are intended to support pressure ulcer improvement work in your area. If you have any questions about the resources please contact his.acutecare@nhs.scot.
We are pleased to share the refreshed 2023 SPSP Acute Adult Programme Falls Reduction Driver Diagram, Change Package and Measurement Framework. This resource is an updated version of the original driver diagram launched in 2021, following a review of evidence and engagement with the SPSP Acute Adult Falls Network.
Additional resources here:
These resources are intended to support falls reduction in your area. If you have any questions about the resources please contact his.acutecare@nhs.scot.
SPSP Acute Adult Collaborative National Learning Event (April 2023): For all the resources and presentations from the event please visit our digital delegate bag here.
SPSP Deteriorating Patient Webinar Series: Shock to Survival - A structured response to the patient with Cardiogenic Shock (March 2023): Dr Alastair Proudfoot joined us to deliver this webinar. Continue reading...
Promoting the Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP) via falls information resources: We are pleased to share a summary report of the work to promote understanding of the Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP) in connection with falls prevention. In the report you will find the finalised paragraph which can be incorporated within falls resources in your area and it can also be adapted for use within other SPSP related resources.
SPSP Acute Adult Collaborative: Identifying and understanding cardiac arrests: current practice in Scotland: We are pleased to share a case study and improvement resource on identifying and understanding cardiac arrests across Scotland. Cardiac arrest data collection, review and learning can be challenging. Ten boards from across NHS Scotland shared their current approach using an adapted Walk Through Talk Through tool to capture work as done. The case study reports the key findings of the work. The improvement resource provides a practical package to support teams to further strengthen their processes for the identification and understanding of cardiac arrests.
SPSP Acute Adult Collaborative Webinar Series: Creating a Culture of Change for Falls in Scotland (November 2022): We were privileged to have Professor Brian Dolan OBE join us to deliver this wonderful Webinar. Continue reading…
Recordings and resources…
- Webinar Recording
- Video: Loneliness
- Video: Call me Henry
- Video: Call me Talking Heads
- Resource Pages
- Arora A, Dolan B (2021) Avoiding Deconditioning in O’Hanlon S, Smith M (Eds) A comprehensive guide to rehabilitation. London, Elsevier (4edn) (Free book chapter)
SPSP Deteriorating Patient Webinar: Using eObservations to recognise and respond to deterioration (September 2022): Dr Gavin Simpson, Dr Nicola Maran and Karen Goudie joined us to deliver this webinar. Continue reading…
Webinar recordings:
- Dr Gregor McNeill
- Dr Gavin Simpson – eObs Reflections from NHS Fife
- Dr Nicola Maran – Developing a new eObs system within an existing electronic patient record – the Lothian experience
- Karen Goudie - eObs in NHS Lanarkshire: Our Learning
Cardiac arrest resources: The following resources are designed to support acute hospital teams to use quality improvement methods to improve the processes of identifying and learning from cardiac arrests within their board:
- Identifying and Learning from Cardiac Arrests improvement resource
- Readiness for Change Assessment and Prioritisation Tool
SPSP Acute Adult Collaborative National Learning Event (May 2022): The national learning event Improving Patient Safety: Learning Together attracted 130 delegates in person with a further 58 delegates joining virtually through a hybrid option. Continue Reading:
- Joanne Matthews: Chair's Welcome
- Professor Grant McIntyre: Dying to Live - My Story
- Dr Gregor McNeill: Principles of a Structured Response
- Dr Lara Mitchell: Start Somewhere, Start Small
- Resources and presentations
- Evaluation infographic
Principles of a structured response (May 2022): The SPSP Acute Adult programme have co-designed principles for a structured response to deterioration with clinicians from across Scotland. The principles have been developed to support existing local processes in place to respond to deteriorating patients. The expectation is that teams will map these principles against current practice in order to improve the care of the deteriorating patient. Continue Reading...
- Principles of a Structured Response to Deterioration
- Principles of a Structured Response (Table-top Simulation Exercise)
- Structured Response to Deterioration Mapping Tool
Sepsis position statement (May 2022): In response to the recent Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (A0MRC) and the Surviving Sepsis Campaign publications, we have produced a statement updating the SPSP approach to sepsis care:
Evaluation Report of using a virtual Expert Reference Group model (April 2022): The Scottish Patient Safety Programme Acute Care team used virtual methods, during COVID-19, to successfully co-design and launch a national breakthrough series collaborative focused on improving safety and reliability of acute care. The evaluation report of using a virtual Expert Reference Group model to do this can be accessed below:
Falls webinar series Falls: Time for Movement (March 2022): Professor Dawn Skelton and Erin Walker joined us to deliver this webinar. Continue reading:
Hospital huddles & safety briefs: case study (November 2021): The SPSP Acute Care Team, working alongside colleagues in Scottish Government and NHS boards have undertaken a rapid piece of work to understand the purpose, design and delivery of hospital huddles, a critical tool for safe communication within and between teams. The learning from the first stage of this work has informed the development of core elements of hospital huddles:
Continue Reading...
- 6 Essential Actions to Improve Unscheduled Care (Scottish Government)
- How to Conduct Safety Huddles that Stick (IHI)
- Safety Huddles (Improvement Academy)
- Team Huddles for QI Checklist (NES)
- Safety Huddles as a Fundamental (New South Wales Clinical Excellence Commission)
SPSP Acute Adult Collaborative launch event (September 2021)
The launch event was held virtually over a morning plenary session and afternoon sessions focused on falls and deteriorating patient
The morning plenary session explored
- The history and current work of the Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP)
- The next phase of the SPSP Acute Adult Work
- The future collaborative improvement work focused on reducing harm and improving patient safety
The afternoon sessions covered
- The falls/deteriorating patient improvement work
- An overview of the driver diagrams, change packages and measurement plans
- The practical application of a change concept from the driver diagram using the model for improvement
Continue reading...