Working with NHS Boards, health and social care partnerships and GP Practices to improve the experience of and access to person-centred, coordinated health and social care for people aged 65 and over who are living with frailty or at risk of frailty.


Support for NHS Boards, health and social care partnerships, GP practices, community and third sector organisations

We support the above through:

  • Learning sessions to share and spread learning between frailty services in Scotland.
  • Quality improvement coaching to support services with their improvement plans.
  • Data and measurement coaching to support services track whether changes lead to improvement.
  • Pathway mapping to support health and social care services identify areas for improvement.
  • Support to engage people with lived experience, their families and carers in service improvement.
  • Developing evidence based tools and resources.


Frailty learning system

Our Frailty learning system enables staff and teams to share and learn from each other. It is open to anyone working in health, social care, voluntary and independent sectors across Scotland. It provides a range of engagement and learning opportunities including:

  • Webinarslearn about national and local improvement work, ask questions and take part in discussions.
  • Frailty resources: view a range of tools, resources and case studies you can use to help improve outcomes for people living with frailty.
  • An MS Teams channel: communicate, share information and ideas with staff across Scotland who are interested in improving services for people with frailty.

Join the Frailty learning system by following this link to MS Teams or emailing


Get in touch

Email us at if you have a question about the Focus on Frailty programme or if you would like to speak to a member of the team.