Additional programme information

Please find additional information about the programme below.  



The Focus on Frailty programme contributes to Scottish Government strategy and policy on healthy ageing. It is also aligned to the National Health and Wellbeing Outcomes, Digital Health and Care Strategy and Re-mobilise, Recover, Re-design: the Framework for NHS Scotland.


Partner organisations

Healthcare Improvement Scotland work with a range of organisations including:

  • NHS boards
  • Health and social care partnerships
  • GP practices
  • NHS National Services Scotland
  • Public Health Scotland
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • British Geriatrics Society
  • Third sector organisations


Programme history

2023: Launch of the Focus on Frailty programme.  

2022: Co-design of the Focus on Frailty programme and publication of the 90 day learning cycle on frailty.  

2019 to 2020: Living and Dying Well with Frailty collaborative and Frailty at the Front Door collaborative phase 2.  

2017 to 2019: Frailty at the Front Door collaborative phase 1.  


Learning from previous programmes has been used to inform the design and delivery of the Focus on Frailty programme:

March 2017 - March 2019: Improving identification and care co-coordination of palliative and end of life care

March 2017 - March 2019: Testing and evaluating models of neighbourhood care 

February 2016 - March 2019: National approach to anticipatory care planning (now known as future care planning). 

August 2016 - December 2018: Intermediate care and reablement. 

September 2015 - February 2018: Developing community frailty and falls pathways. 

September 2015 - March 2017: Understanding pathways of high resource individuals. 


Evaluations and measures of success

The Focus on Frailty programme is supported by a measurement framework to support participating teams to collect data in connection with their improvement work.

The programme will be evaluated with support from Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s Evidence and Evaluation for Improvement team.