Hospital at Home updates 

Update summary (September 2024)We have published a summary of the progress of H@H from July to September 2024. Read the programme update summary.

Programme update summary (March 2024): We have published a summary of the progress of H@H April 2022 to March 2024. Read the programme update summary.

Bridget Henry Hospital at Home experience: Over Christmas 2023, Bridget Henry took unwell with Pneumonia which led to her needing Hospital at Home. In this patient story, Bridget details her experience with Hospital at Home. Read Bridget's patient story here.

Celebrating Seachdain na Gàidhlig: To celebrate Seachdain na Gàidhlig (World Gaelic Week), we have had one of our progress reports translated into Gaelic. Read all about the progress of Hospital at Home in Gaelic in the Prògram Ospadal aig an taigh, Cunntas air adhartach - Dàmhair 2023 (Hospital at Home programme progress report, October 2023) (PDF). Ceud mìle taing Raonaid Deans! A huge thank you to Rachael Deans who translated the report.

Update summary (December 2023): We have published a summary of the progress of H@H from October to December 2023. Read the programme update summary.

Programme update summary (October 2023): We have published a summary of the progress of H@H from April to September 2023. Read the programme update summary.

HIS podcast episode (August 2023): Listen to the Healthcare Improvement Podcast episode on Hospital at Home now! Hear from a patient who recently experienced the service, from staff in services and from the national perspective. Listen to the episode here

Programme update summary (July 2023): We have published a summary of the progress of H@H from April to June 2023. Read the programme update summary.

We have launched the Hospital at Home Knowledge, Skills and Development Framework (July 2023): The Framework is for Healthcare Support Workers, Nurses and Allied Health Professionals. Access the Hospital at Home Knowledge, Skills and Development Framework on Turas Learn.

Expansion programme launch event (June 2023): On 27 June services from across Scotland met in Edinburgh to start planning for 2022/23. 

Programme update summary (May 2023): We have published a summary of the progress of H@H April 2021 to March 2023. Read the programme update summary.

Join the Hospital at Home Expansion Programme (May 2023): Hospital at Home services play a crucial role in meeting the increasing pressures on acute services. The new Hospital at Home expansion programme is now open for areas in Scotland to join for support starting a new Hospital at Home service or expanding their current one. Closing date for applications is Friday 9 June 2023 at noon. Find more information about joining the programme and apply to join the programme through our website.

Virtual Scottish Healthcare event (March 2023): We attended the Virtual Scottish Healthcare event, alongside many members from H@H services across Scotland. It was a great opportunity to share learning and network with peers. 

New podcast episode (March 2023): In the most recent episode of 'House Call: A Hospital at Home Podcast' you can hear from the team in Aberdeen City. They share their learning from their journey to date and their plans for future expansion. The latest episode can be found on multiple platforms through our website. 

Programme updates and progress session (March 2023): Attendees were updated on the progress of the Hospital at Home programme. The team from the Edinburgh City service presented on their work on supporting and involving unpaid carers. Find resources from the progress and updates session.

Session for optimising and expanding services (February 2023): Established services who are working to expand their services attended a session in February. During the session they were given an update then took part in a Q&A where they were able to share learning with peers.  

Programme update summary (January 2023): We have published a summary of the progress of H@H April 2021 to April 2022. Read the programme update summary.

Session for developing new services (December 2022): Services who are looking to develop a new H@H service attended a welcome session to the programme in December. A member from the team in NHS Western Isles and the National Clinical Lead for H@H both gave an insight into how their services developed, giving attendees an opportunity to ask questions.