Neighbourhood Care
Working with health and social care organisations to test the principles of a holistic model of care in the community.
From March 2016 to March 2019 the Living Well in Communities (LWiC) Team were commissioned by the Scottish Government to support seven health and social care organisations (HSCOs) across Scotland to develop and test models of neighbourhood care. More information on the work can be found in our Neighbourhood Care blog posts.
The following HSCOs participated in the programme:
- NHS Highland
- Aberdeen City HSCP
- Scottish Borders HSCP
- Clackmannanshire & Stirling HSCP
- Western Isles HSCP
- Argyll & Bute HSCP
- Cornerstone
These models were inspired by the success of Buurtzorg in the Netherlands and each reflected local need and context.
The principles
Participating HSCOs developed five main principles in order to support the better understanding and delivery of person-centred care that aims to enable individuals to live well in the community for longer:
- Putting the person at the centre of holistic care.
- Building relationships with people to enable them to make informed decisions about their own care .
- Enabling person-centred care at the point of delivery.
- Establishing small, self-organising, geographically-based teams.
- Ensuring professional autonomy.
You can hear from colleagues from Scottish Borders HSCP and how they approached these principles in the video below:
Measurement and evaluation
The LWiC team within the ihub supported both local and national evaluation of this work. The national evaluation focused on:
- The models
- Their development
- How/why they differ from Buurtzorg
- The enablers/barriers to implementing the principles
Additional resources developed during the Neighbourhood Care programme that may be of use to those testing similar models of care include:
- The National Driver Diagram [This version has been updated to incorporate the findings from the final evaluation.]
The care experience maps above were produced following 'discovery interviews' with both those delivering and receiving care. They are designed as a tool to be printed on A3 and for colleagues to workshop/discuss at team meetings. They each have a couple of suggested activities on the reverse. It is hoped that after discussing these care experience maps, team members will be able to highlight their own local opportunities for improvement.
You can read more about the learning from these 12 teams on the learning from neighbourhood care pages.
Phase 2
From March 2019 the Neighbourhood Care programme moved into its second phase of activity, now supported by the People Led Care team within Healthcare Improvement Scotland, and the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC).