Improving the quality of post-diagnostic support for people newly diagnosed with dementia in Scotland

We achieve this by:

  1. developing and testing a Quality Improvement Framework to support the delivery of high quality post-diagnostic support (PDS). Developing an accompanying guide for people with dementia and their carers. For more information and to see our film on the Quality Improvement Framework visit the Quality Improvement Framework for Dementia Post-Diagnostic Support in Scotland webpage.
  2. developing and facilitating a network for PDS practitioners across Scotland to share practice and innovation in order to reduce variation and improve quality of care and support.
  3. developing and facilitating a forum for PDS leads across Scotland to share practice and link with national partners in order to support and inform dementia strategy implementation.
  4. testing the relocation of diagnosis and PDS services within primary care, through initial testing within three GP cluster areas in Scotland. For more information vist the Diagnosis and Post-Diagnostic Support in Primary Care webpage

Key Information Summary for people with dementia 

Having a high-quality Future Care Plan is an important way that people living with dementia can ensure they get the health care that is right for them. Sharing that information by creating an electronic Key Information Summary enables this plan to be accessed across health and social services to inform decisions about care and treatment.

Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership has developed useful guidance and resources to help create these plans, which includes a PDS Support Link Worker Future Care Planning Bundle. You can find these on the NHS Lothian Future Care Planning web page.

Understanding models of dementia diagnosis

As part of Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s dementia improvement work and in association with the PDS Leads network, we conducted a survey to identify different clinic models in place across Scotland to diagnose dementia. The summary is intended to support improvement work on dementia diagnosis. 

To ensure everyone can benefit regardless of their characteristics or where they access care, we completed an equality impact assessment. This highlights key equality issues that were considered by our project team, and any actions we took in relation to them.

To find out more contact the team at