A Quality Improvement Framework for dementia post-diagnostic support in Scotland

The Quality Improvement Framework for Dementia Post-Diagnostic Support in Scotland sets out the criteria for high quality post‑diagnostic support (PDS) for people living with dementia. It highlights policies, principles, rights and standards that underpin good service provision.

We produced the framework in 2018 in collaboration with dementia practitioners, people with dementia and their carers. It is now in its second edition which takes into account changes to practice necessitated by COVID-19 such as increased use of technology. 

The Quality Improvement Framework self-assessment tool supports practitioners and service managers to consider:

  • where a service produces good outcomes for people with dementia
  • where certain aspects could be improved, and
  • where a clearer business case is necessary to ensure the service has the appropriate resources to operate.

Our film provides an introduction to the framework. We have also published resources to support use of the framework, including a template framework and improvement plan.

Making the most of your post-diagnostic support

Our accompanying guide making the most of your post-diagnostic support, produced in partnership with Alzheimer Scotland, is written for people with dementia and their carers. The guide explains what to expect from dementia PDS in Scotland. You can order copies from info@alzscot.org.

The Fife Dementia PDS team use the guide and produced a case study to share their experience.

Our impact

Read our impact summary, on the using the Quality Improvement Framework webpageto learn more about how service providers have used the framework.

To ensure everyone can benefit regardless of their characteristics or where they access care, we completed an equality impact assessment. This highlights key equality issues that were considered by our project team, and any actions we took in relation to them.

To find out more contact the team at his.focusondementia@nhs.scot