Background and partner information

Our dementia in hospitals programme finished in March 2023.


Scottish Government commissioned the dementia in hospitals improvement programme. We aligned our work with the Scottish Government - National Dementia Strategy: 2017-2020. It was to run from September 2019 to September 2021. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, funding was extended to March 2023.


Our key partners were the Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Consultants. They co-designed the programme and provided local leadership to the participating hospital teams.

The executive sponsorship was through the Scottish Executive Nurse Director (SEND) group. A representative of SEND chaired the delivery group. The Executive Nurse Directors agreed the contracts at NHS board level.

The programme was also supported by a stakeholder delivery group. This group provided advice and guidance on delivery. The group had representation from:

  • Allied Health Professional Directors (Scotland) group
  • Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Consultant group
  • Clinical leadership (Psychiatry, Psychology and Allied Health Professionals)
  • Executive Nurse Director group
  • National Dementia Carers Action Network
  • NHS Education for Scotland
  • Scottish Dementia Working Group
  • Scottish Government dementia policy team