Self-evaluation tool for reducing stress and distress for people living with dementia

A Quality Improvement Framework 

This tool sets out what is expected from high-quality, person-centred care to enable good outcomes for people living with dementia and their carers. It enables staff, managers and leaders in hospital and care home services to identify areas of good practice and areas for improvement. This includes specialist dementia units, acute and community hospitals, and care homes given the high numbers of people living with dementia in these settings at any one time. It summarises what we know about how person-centred approaches can prevent and support stress and distress for people living with dementia.

The self-evaluation tool can be used by teams to self-assess their service against a set of quality criteria and to identify priority areas for improvement. This can be completed as a service development activity and should involve all key professions involved in the delivery of care including nurses, allied health professionals, care home support staff, managers and doctors. It is recommended to involve people with dementia and carers in the self-evaluation process.

There are additional columns for providing evidence and identifying initial improvement ideas. All sub-criteria have suggested evidence sources which can be used to complete the evidence column. An improvement plan with the top three priorities a service wishes to improve can then be developed.

The tool has been prototyped by a small number of teams and is being used to support delivery of our improvement programme. It will continue to be reviewed and updated based on feedback received.

For teams completing the tool using a computer or tablet an editable PDF has been created to improve useability. 

Change package 

The reducing stress and distress change package is designed to support improvements through the implementation of person-centred approaches. The change package is a working document, which is still undergoing testing as part of the reducing stress and distress improvement programme. It includes a driver diagram, change ideas, measures, and links to supporting evidence and resources. It is recommended that the self-evaluation tool is completed before using the change package.

Email us at if you have a question about the reducing stress and distress improvement programme or would like to speak to a member of the team.