Improvement research and evaluation round ups
Welcome to roundups from the Evidence and Evaluation for Improvement Team. Our aim is to highlight developments in research, evaluation and local innovation which informs the design and delivery of improved health and social care services.
Here you will find all the available round ups of improvement research and evaluation, which we produce quarterly.
If you are interested in finding out more about our evidence or evaluation services please drop us an email at
View the April 2021 Round up →
Highlights in this roundup include:
- Bringing evidence and local knowledge together for improvement
- The role of data and measurement for tackling inequalities
- Learning from community led approaches
View the December 2019 Round up →
Highlights in this roundup include:
- Embedding evaluation at design stage
- How our evidence briefings can support improvement work
- And how feelings can matter
- The role of evidence in complex improvement interventions
In this edition you'll find:
- Introduction to how we use evidence and evaluation for improvement
- Using case studies to gain valuable insights into how improvement initiatives are making a difference
- Health economic analysis helping to answer questions about the new models of care
View the March 2019 Round up →
Highlights in this round up include:
- Publication of a new resource on continuity and coordination in palliative and end of life care
- Findings from a rapid review of approaches to pathway redesign quality improvement
- Spotlight on rapid and collaborative evaluation approaches
View the November 2018 Round up →
Highlights in this round up include:
- Learning from the Scottish Improvement Science Collaborative (SISCC) Seminar on the use of behaviour change strategies for improvement
- New systematic review evidence relating to optimal patient engagement strategies and their outcomes
- Briefings from the Improvement Analytics Unit on the impact of initiatives aiming to reduce hospital use in England
In this edition you will find:
- Lessons about the impact of systematic improvement from the new models of care programme
- Developments in proactive models of care for older people to support living well
- Understanding how inter-professional collaboration works as an important but still developing area of practice improvement
- Improvement and implementation research highlights