Summaries of evaluation work
Below we share learning from ihub improvement work supported by the Evidence and Evaluation for Improvement Team.
NHS Fife & Shelter Scotland supporting homeless patients attending hospital →
This work describes evaluation support we provided to Shelter Scotland and the Fife Health and Social Care Partnership to support homeless people in Fife.
Collaborative Commissioning Support Case Studies →
This document describes three case studies of ihub support provided for collaborative commissioning between HSCPs and local third and independent sector organisations.
Learning from Experience-based Co-design demonstrator sites →
In this report, we share the lessons learned from three service areas that were supported to use and adapt Experience-based Co-design (EBCD) to improve the quality and experience of care in their settings.
Learning from neighbourhood care test sites in Scotland →
This report provides insights into the learning from 12 teams across Scotland that participated in a learning network focused on supporting the development of neighbourhood care models during 2018-19.
Multiple case study evaluation of 'What matters to you?' in day-to-day practice →
In this multiple case study evaluation, we bring together what three healthcare organisations have been doing to successfully apply and sustain 'What matters to you?' in their day-to-day practice.
Case study about reducing delayed discharge from hospital →
In this case study, we share what East Ayrshire Heath and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) did to reduce the total time patients spend delayed in hospital with no more need for hospital care, whilst also increasing the reliability of systems delivering safe, legal and person-centred discharge.
Evaluation of a new service model →
This work describes the support we offered to Health and Social Care (HSC) Moray with the evaluation of a new community nursing model piloted in the Forres area that embeds a collaborative way of working between housing and healthcare.
Evaluating personal outcomes focused ways of working →
Here, we bring together learning from evaluation of personal outcome focused interventions to provide some practical guidance for those planning, commissioning and delivering personal outcomes focused approaches and seeking to monitor and evaluate this work. We also describe our evaluation support for the Midlothian wellbeing service.
The cost of a Homecare Package in place of hospital admission for frail older people →
ihub supported the cost analysis of the introduction of an intervention designed to address the delay in hospital discharge for older people with frailty. The introduction of the Homecare Package meant that frail older people could be discharged to go home, whereas they would have otherwise been admitted to a geriatric ward.