Multiple case study evaluation of 'What matters to you?' in day-to-day practice 

In this multiple case study evaluation we share what three healthcare organisations have been doing to successfully apply and sustain 'What matters to you?' in their day-to-day practice.

'What matters to you?' is an initiative encouraging more meaningful communication between people who provide health and social care and the people they support or care for. A wide range of organisations have engaged with the 'What matters to you?' initiative day in Scotland, developing activities that support more meaningful conversations with people receiving care.

Sustaining the application of 'What matters to you?' in day-to-day practice can be challenging and this report shares the common lessons learned across different settings about the barriers encountered and ways to overcome these and enable more meaningful conversations in practice. This report is about the organisations that engaged up to and including the 2018 event.

We hope that other health and social care organisations in Scotland find this report useful in further developing their own approach to applying the principles of 'What matters to you?' in day-to-day practice.

Read in more depth about the initiatives taken and the key findings.