Other publications

  • A consultation on local connection and intentionality provisions in homelessness legislation - A Healthcare Improvement Scotland response to a Scottish Government consultation on local connection and intentionality provisions in homelessness legislation.
  • The housing contribution to health and social care integration, how well are we doing? - A ihub report reviewing housing and health which identifies common emerging themes, considers evidence of the connections between housing and health and wellbeing and identifies positive examples of housing supporting health and wellbeing.
  • Scottish Public Health Network report on health and housing - The time is right for a reconnection between the worlds of public health and housing. In this context, the report aims to guide both sectors in their work to improve health and reduce inequalities through the provision of good housing. It is intended not as an exhaustive account of the ways in which housing can influence health, but as a practical resource to support joint working.
  • Housing and health inequalities briefing - This briefing focuses on the role that good quality housing can play in improving health and wellbeing, as well as reducing health inequalities. It links closely with complementary inequalities briefings on place and communities, and on homelessness.
  • Housing and Social Care integration, a guide for housing practitioners - A briefing created by Joint Improvement Team Housing Associates prior to the Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act coming into place. It provides basic information on what the legislation means for housing providers and strategic housing teams and also also details the delegated and non-delegated housing functions.
  • Age, Home and Community: a strategy for housing for Scotland's older people 2012-2021 (Scottish Government/COSLA) - A strategy agreed by the Scottish Government and COSLA. Developed in partnership with housing, health and social care organisations spanning public, private and voluntary sectors, and in consultation with older people, it presents a vision for housing and housing related support for older people. The strategy defines a framework of actions which may help achieve desired outcomes, it proposes ways in which we can all help to realise the aspirations of enabling older people to live independently at home.
  • Commission on housing and wellbeing - A call to action, this report considers the most serious and challenging issues facing Scotland now and throughout the next decade. The report also includes a delivery plan. 
  • Moving assistance project: do you want to move or stay - A booklet primarily developed by Outside the Box for Falkirk Council Housing Services, with help from the Make it Happen Forum and people living in the local area. With helpful hints and tips this booklet is for anyone whos is beginning to consider whether their current home is still right for their needs. A checklist is included to help self-assess your home alongside your home-needs.