Strategic planning and housing Contribution Statements

Click on the following titles to view the publications: 

  • Strategic Plans and Housing Contribution Statements - A summary of current Strategic Commissioning Plans and Housing Contribution Statements to support quality planning.
  • Housing Advice Note - Statutory guidance supporting Integrated Joint Boards and strategic housing officers in their production of Housing Contribution Statements.
  • Making the Connection - A guide to assessing the housing-related needs of older and disabled households.
  • Strategic Commissioning Plans - Statutory guidance to support the production of Strategic Commissioning Plans by Integrated Joint Boards.
  • Review of the Housing Related Content within Strategic Commissioning Plans - A short paper reviewing the 31 Strategic Commissioning Plans in Scotland and how housing has been considered as a key element in achieving health and social care integration.
  • Scottish Government's review of Strategic Commissioning Plans - A report on Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs) 2016 Strategic Commissioning Plans setting out the vision, aims, ambitions and outcomes that each HSCP will seek to deliver over the life of the plan. The report provides an overview of the content and approach of these first iterations and identifies common areas for further development. This report assists partners to accelerate the transformational potential of their plans and deliver sustainable new models of care and support that are focused on improving outcomes.