Community anchors
Over time, the housing sector and community controlled housing association (CCHA) sector in particular have broadened their original house building and landlord role to develop initiatives focused on community development and capacity building.
Acting as ‘community anchors’, these organisations, their associated companies and/or partnership organisations now provide a range of services including financial inclusion, employment, education, poverty relief, fuel poverty and, increasingly, health and wellbeing initiatives.
With a specific emphasis on loneliness, this section provides:
- examples of community-based health and wellbeing initiatives
- case studies
- other useful resources.

Local residents in CCHAs took control of local assets long before we all started talking about asset based approaches, The Christie Commission, coproduction and community empowerment….there can be no doubt that they demonstrate the characteristics that we now aspire to in Scotland and have been doing this successfully since the early 1970s." Professor Harry Burns | University of Strathclyde