The Occupational Therapy Contribution

On the 1st November around 90 Occupational Therapists and Managers gathered in Dunblane to hear more about the vital contribution they can make to National Health and Well being outcomes in relation to Health and Social Care Integration. Participants were able to share experiences and progress within their own Partnerships and hear about approaches and models being used in different parts of the country.

Click here for the Programme and see below presentations.


Integration and OTs Challenges and Opportunities

Tim Eltringham, Chief Officer South Ayrshire

Review of Occupational Therapy Glasgow City HSCP

Fiona Brown, Head of Older People and Primary Care

Place, Home and Housing
Health & Social Care Integration - The Occupational Therapy Contribution

View online

AHP Active and Independent Living Programme – AHPs leading on wellbeing

Susan Kelso AHP Lead Early Intervention Scottish Government

Living not existing: Putting prevention at the heart of care for older people

Alison Keir, Policy Officer Scotland

The transformational societal change movement in CYP AHP Services in Scotland!

Pauline Beirne


Workshop 2, Outcomes & Performance

Occupational Therapy – learning and leading for health and social care integration

Susan Kelso AHP Lead Early Intervention Scottish Government

Outcomes and Performance

Angela Gardiner Inclusive Design Manager Link Group