Occupational therapy
Occupational therapy (OT) is unique in that it’s currently the only professional group to provide services and support across both health and social care, for all care groups, ages and conditions.
Traditionally organised very differently within each agency setting, integrated health and social care provides an opportunity to look at how the role of occupational therapists can be streamlined – and these valued professionals best utilised – to support the delivery of effective, person-centred approaches that focus on prevention and early intervention.
Based on the work the ihub has been doing to support Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs) in their review of OT services, this section highlights some of the different approaches being taken around the country and includes:
Occupational therapists need to be an intrinsic part of the solution to reduce pressure on our emergency services. The occupational therapy workforce is a valuable resource that when used to its full potential can dramatically shift the balance of care from acute to community in a way that is both sustainable and improves the wellbeing of people in Scotland." Dawn Mitchell | Allied Health Professions Federation Scotland