Mental Health Improvement Portfolio

Delivering person-centred, safe and effective, mental health care

One in four people will experience mental health problems at some stage in their lives. The Scottish Government has made a commitment to ensure that good quality mental health services are available for everyone that needs them, at all levels of need.

We work with mental health service providers, people who use services, and leadership teams to share learning and deliver improvements to mental health care services.

Download the summary of our mental health work in 2019 -2020.

The ihub’s Mental Health Improvement Portfolio brings together three programmes of work, SPSP Mental Health, the Mental Health Access Improvement Support Programme and the Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP) Programme. The portfolio is also expanding its offering into a range of new mental health work streams.

Read more about the programmes

  • Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP)
  • Mental Health Access Improvement Support
  • Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP) Mental Health