Additional programme information 

Please find additional information about the programme below.   



This work is commissioned by Scottish Government and is funded up to the end of March 2024. 


Partner organisations 

  • people with lived experience of psychosis, their families and carers 
  • Change Mental Health and other third sector organisations 
  • Scottish Government 
  • Esteem  
  • NHS boards as pathfinder sites 
  • academics 
  • Public Health Scotland, and 
  • NHS Education for Scotland (NES) 


Programme history 

2019 - 2021 – Phase 1: The Scottish Government commissioned Healthcare Improvement Scotland to develop a deeper understanding of the Scottish context related to Early Intervention in Psychosis (EIP). This work sat within the context of Scottish Government policy direction including Mental Health: Scotland Transition and Recovery (2020). This work was co-produced with people with lived experience of psychosis, their families and carers. 

2021 – 2024 – Phase 2: The Scottish Government commissioned Healthcare Improvement Scotland to deliver a second phase of EIP service improvement and redesign work. Phase 2 of this work aims to support NHS boards, integration joint boards (IJBs), health and social care partnerships (HSCPs) and wider stakeholders to better support people with first episode psychosis.


Evaluations and measures of success 

Engagement – Develop a learning system that offers opportunities to network and share innovative practice across Scotland whilst boosting the resilience and skills of staff and other stakeholders to lead change. 

Resources – Building capability and capacity, working with NES to develop a knowledge and skills framework and to develop and test an “Essentials of EIP” training programme for clinical staff. 

Service Design – Identify and work with pathfinder sites to prototype and test models of EIP service delivery models identified by the phase 1 report. Undertake ongoing evaluation of pathfinder sites to inform wider implementation across Scotland. 

Measuring Impact – Develop and test quality indicators for Early Intervention in Psychosis services that allow pathfinder sites to monitor delivery of quality standards. 


Equality impact assessment 

To ensure everyone can benefit regardless of their characteristics or where they access care, we completed an Equality Impact Assessment. This highlights key equality issues that were considered and any actions we took in relation to them.