Early Intervention in Psychosis Summary Report 

Contextual factors influencing choice of service delivery model

Local context will strongly influence selection of the right service delivery model for each area.

  • Demographics - a higher number of under 35's, including students, higher levels of deprivation, a higher proportion of migrant, black and minority ethnic people, urbanicity, and a higher prevalence of cannabis use are all likely to increase the incidence of psychosis.
  • Geography - rurality, geographical size and the spread of services across an area influence access.
  • COVID-19 - increased incidence during the pandemic has impacted on demand for services.
  • Workforce - ability to recruit, train, supervise, and retain skilled staff impacts on capacity and capability.
  • Existing services - availability, range and location of existing mental health services, including location of inpatient services, and third sector provision influence service delivery.

The geographical context in Scotland means there may be justification for the geographically dispersed areas to identify and test a bespoke service delivery model for EIP.

However, embedding rigorous data collection will be critical to ensuring that any bespoke service delivery model is delivering the evidence-based interventions and approaches that are so vital for improving the outcomes for individuals experiencing psychosis.

In most cases, people who are in a bout of psychosis don’t realise, or are unwilling to admit they are unwell. It is down to relatives and friends or neighbours to flag up concerns and in my experience, they are not listened to. The entire NHS mental health system is under-staffed and overstretched, not just wards & specialist services." People with lived experience of psychosis