Early Intervention in Psychosis Summary Report 

Lived experience learning

Engagement with people with lived experience of psychosis has been a central feature of this work. A lived experience reference group was established and the EIP advisory group was co-chaired by a person with lived experience in a paid capacity.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland commissioned Support in Mind Scotland to lead engagement events with people with lived experience of psychosis, their families and carers. Over 130 individuals from across Scotland shared their perspectives on what a good early intervention for psychosis would look and feel like:


  • person-centred care
  • recognition and validation of experiences and symptoms
  • trusting relationships between family and professionals
  • awareness of personal, patient, and workplace rights
  • physical safety in inpatient settings that are free from substance use
  • negative experiences in healthcare to be acknowledged and addressed
  • optimistic outlook with contingencies if setbacks occur
  • family's input, observations and concerns noted and actioned, and families treated as equal partners in the triangle of care.


  • self-management information, resources and support
  • availability of advocacy and support to access, employment support and financial advice
  • realistic, accurate information to address stigma and image of psychosis
  • information and awareness targeted to teens and young adults
  • freedom and time for family members to pursue their own ambitions and lives
  • social activities and links to community assets, and
  • gatekeepers to have skills to recognise the signs of psychosis.

Service design

  • clear, detailed information about medication
  • access to peer support
  • freedom to make informed choices
  • care and treatment that address individual needs and lead to personal benefits, and
  • care delivered in a least restrictive way.

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