Early Intervention in Psychosis Summary Report
Scope of work
What Healthcare Improvement Scotland did:
- Established a national EIP Network, bringing together stakeholders from health, social care, the third sector, and people with lived experience.
- Conducted a national needs assessment across all 14 NHS boards and linked health and social care partnerships (HSCPs).
- Undertook a detailed exploration of the current services for people with first episode psychosis in two accelerator sites (NHS Forth Valley and Argyll & Bute HSCP).
- Considered how relevant quality indicator data can be best collected and optimised in these areas, what is required to improve their services, and what success looks like for local service providers and people with lived experience.
- Reviewed the relevant SIGN guidelines and promoted their active use across NHS boards and HSCPs.
In this summary report, we outline how EIP can be delivered in urban, semi-urban and rural communities, tailored to local context. We identify workforce and cost implications.
This work was undertaken during the COVID-19 pandemic. The impact of this situation was taken into consideration and is included throughout this report.
I know the Scottish Government commissioned this piece of work. They must get the information, whether palatable or not. People with lived experience and carers deserve nothing less." Person with lived experience of psychosis.