Mental Health Access Improvement Collaborative Learning Session 4| 8th November 2019
This was the fourth national learning session of the Mental Health Access Improvement Collaborative which brought together CAMHS and Psychological Therapy (PT) teams working to improve access to services. The purpose of the collaborative was to share learning around improvement activity aimed at improving the quality of, and access to CAMHS and PT services.
Plenary presentation slides (PDF)
Mental Health Access Improvement Collaborative Learning Session 3 | 9th May 2019
This was the third national learning session of the Mental Health Access Improvement Collaborative which brought together CAMHS and Psychological Therapy (PT) teams working to improve access to services. The purpose of the collaborative was to share learning around improvement activity aimed at improving the quality of, and access to CAMHS and PT services.
Plenary presentation slides (PDF)
Mental Health Access Improvement Collaborative Learning Session 2 | 6th November 2018
This was the second national learning session of the Mental Health Access Improvement Collaborative which brought together CAMHS and Psychological Therapy (PT) teams working to improve access to services. The purpose of the collaborative was to share learning around improvement activity aimed at improving the quality of, and access to CAMHS and PT services.
Flash Report (PDF)
Mental Health Access Improvement Collaborative Learning Session 1 | 7 June 2018
This was the first national learning session of the Mental Health Access Improvement Collaborative which brings together CAMHS and Psychological Therapy (PT) teams working to improve access to services. The purpose of the collaborative is to share learning around improvement activity aimed at improving the quality of, and access to CAMHS and PT services.
Quality Improvement Masterclass with ELFT | 7 February 2018
The Mental Health Access Improvement Support Team (MHAIST) and East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT) organised a QI master class for Psychological Therapy teams who had started or were planning an improvement project to develop ideas, theories and concepts into practical project plans. The team from East London shared examples of their improvement work and teams used the time to work on defining their own project focus and developing action plans for their next steps in project planning.
Psychological Therapies National Launch Event | 5 December 2017
This event brought together the Psychological Therapies community across Scotland to establish a community network /collaborative. The purpose of the collaborative was to share learning around improvement activity aimed at improving the quality of, and access to, psychological therapies.
National Improvement and Networking Day for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) – Delivering and Developing Neurodevelopmental Pathways | 25 August 2017
MHAIST held a national event for Neurodevelopmental Pathways on Friday 25 August at The Studio, Glasgow. The event was attended by 106 with representation from 13 of the NHS boards, Scottish Government, Scottish ADHD Coalition, Carers Trust UK, NHS 24, NHS Education for Scotland, North of Scotland and West of Scotland CAMHS, Western Isles Council and Health and Social Care Partnerships.
Read the flash report
Development and Improvement Day for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) | 24 January 2017
This event was co-hosted with the Scottish Patient Safety Programme for Mental Health. with the aim that delegates would have an increased understanding of how they can work at a local and a national level, using quality improvement methods, to ensure CAMHS are safe, timely, effective and person-centred by drawing on the support from each other, national teams and the ideas and innovations shared at this event. The delegates included representatives from Health and Social Care, third sector organisations, service users, carers and families. Following the event a report was made available.
Read the event report