Personality Disorder Improvement Programme updates

Personality Disorder Improvement Programme Phase One was completed in March 2023.

Final report

We are pleased to announce that the final reports from phase one of the project are now available to download below. These reports summarise the work PDIP has carried out in phase one to understand the current state of provision and access to services for those with a diagnosis of personality disorder.

These reports include:

Case Studies

As part of phase one of our Personality Disorder Improvement Programme we have launched two case studies:

  • Case study 1 looks at an example of collaborative working with NHS Lanarkshire, Scottish Recovery Network and people with lived experience.
  • Case study 2 looks at an example of a model of staff training in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

Webinars and Workshops

Personality Disorder Improvement Programme: End of Phase 1 (March 2023). At this webinar we provided updates and reflections from the programme. We also heard from Scottish Recovery Network/VOX about their reflections and Professor Carla Sharp from University of Houston, who discussed prevention and early intervention for personality disorder from an international perspective.

Resources from this event:

Personality Disorder Improvement Programme: Crisis and Unscheduled Care (March 2023). At this webinar we heard from NHS24 surrounding their NHS 24 Mental Health Service, Glasgow Association for Mental Health (GAMH) around Compassionate Distress Response Service, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde about their mental health assessment unit, Professor Andrew Gumley, Chartered Clinical Psychologist about Remote Approaches To Psychosocial Intervention(RAPID), and Dr Nicola Naven and Dr Mathew Morrison, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde about mental health in crisis.

Resources from this event:

Personality Disorder Improvement Programme: See Me 'Reducing Stigma' (January 2023). At this workshop we heard from See Me about 'Scottish Mental Illness Stigma Study: Stigma around personality disorder'.

Resources from this event:

Personality Disorder Improvement Programme: Staff Development and Therapeutic Approaches (December 2022). At this webinar we heard from NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, NHS Borders, NHS Fife and NHS Grampian about staff development and therapeutic approaches such as Schema Focused Therapy (SFT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), Mentalisation Based Therapy (MBT), Coordinated Clinical Care (CCC) Training and STEPPS.

Resources from this event:

Personality Disorder Improvement Programme: Moving from consultation to co-design (November 2022). At this webinar we heard from NHS Lanarkshire and Scottish Recovery Network, who discussed putting lived experience at the heart of mental health support, exploring how to move from consultation to co-design models.

Resources from this event:

Personality Disorder Improvement Programme: The Challenges of Diagnosis Workshop (October 2022). At this workshop we heard from Professor Professor Thanos Karatzias, Edinburgh Napier University, Head of Research at School of Health and Social Care and Lothian River Centre and NHS Highland.

Resources from this event:

Personality Disorder Improvement Programme: Diagnosis and Formulation (Including ICD-11) Webinar (September 2022). At this webinar we heard from Professor Michaela Swales, Programme Director North Wales Clinical Psychology Programme and Dr John Mitchell CBE, Mental Health advisor, Scottish Government.

Resources from this event:

Personality Disorder Improvement Programme: Integrated Care Pathways and Specialised Services Webinar (July 2022): At this webinar we heard from NHS Highland and NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde on specialist services and integrated care pathways in their areas.

Resources from this event:

Personality Disorder Improvement Programme Launch Webinar (May 2022): At this webinar we heard about the overall aims of the programme and how this will work. We had our senior improvement advisors and national clinical leads discuss the project, alongside Louise Christie from Scottish Recovery Network. 

Resources from the event:

SWAY Newsletters

The November edition of the PDIP monthly newsletter can be accessed here. This is the sixth edition of the PDIP monthly newsletter and discusses the PDIP Learning System alongside our feedback from events, upcoming events and additional resources.

The October edition of the PDIP monthly newsletter can be accessed here. This is the fifth edition of the PDIP monthly newsletter and introduces the PDIP Expert Reference Group alongside our latest PDIP Learning System workshop, upcoming events and additional resources.

The September edition of the PDIP monthly newsletter can be accessed here. This is the fourth edition of the PDIP monthly newsletter and introduces the PDIP Locality Visits alongside our latest PDIP Learning System workshop, upcoming events and additional resources.

The August edition of the PDIP monthly newsletter can be accessed here. This is the third edition of the PDIP monthly newsletter and has a look at a spotlight on Dr Michele Veldman, National Clinical Lead for PDIP, a meet the team section, programme updates, recap of our workshops, upcoming events and horizon scanning.

The July edition of the PDIP monthly newsletter can be accessed here. This is the second edition of the PDIP monthly newsletter and has a look at a spotlight on Gordon Hay, Senior Improvement Advisor for PDIP, programme updates, upcoming events and horizon scanning.

The June edition of the PDIP monthly newsletter can be accessed here. This is the first edition of the PDIP monthly newsletter and has a look at a spotlight on Dr Andy Williams, National Clinical Lead for PDIP, programme updates, upcoming events and horizon scanning.