Additional programme information
Please find additional information about the programme below.
The programme was commissioned by the Models of Care Team in Scottish Government.
Programme history
Phase 1: October 2020 – May 2021 We worked with eight Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) Project Teams to introduce them to service design principles and tools.
- Argyll & Bute HSCP
- Edinburgh HSCP
- Falkirk HSCP
- Highland HSCP
- North Ayrshire HSCP
- Perth & Kinross HSCP
- Renfrewshire HSCP
- West Lothian HSCP
Working with the eight sites, we identified the following key areas for development:
- Making services truly centred on the person by changing the focus from support needs to life aspirations and people living with learning disabilities being able to have equal opportunities to live life to its fullest potential.
- Encouraging partnership working across all organisations that in some way provide support for people with a learning disability - including the promotion of collaborative working between staff in these services.
- Staff empowerment, finding ways to build on best practice and make this the norm. Giving permission for staff to think creatively about how support is provided to a person and to advocate for the person’s needs.
- Changing the hearts and minds of communities to better support and promote opportunities for people with a learning disability within their local area and wider society.
- Supporting families to take a break and have the confidence that the person receiving support is happy and safe.
Phase 2: June 2021 – March 2022 We worked with four HSCP Project Teams to support them to undertake discover activity and worked with national partners to support and define further the key areas of focus.
Phase 3: April 2022 - March 2023 We worked with three HSCP Project teams and national partners to test, refine and embed service design approaches.
We worked with teams, national partners and people with lived experience to share and spread our learning in the use of service design across services in Scotland.
We shared our analysis of the strategic and operational change required to improve services and outcomes for people who access them (click to download as a PDF):
Delivery partners
We have invited a number of topic experts and providers of services to engage with our cohorts of HSCPs and the programme stakeholders. This has included presenting at National Learning Events, National Connections Sessions, in our national scoping and discover activity, the create of design personas and in delivering Inspiring Sessions to our cohorts. This has included:
- ARC Scotland
- bOunceT
- Camphill Blair Drummond
- Care Inspectorate
- Community Brokerage Network
- Cornerstone
- East Renfrewshire Carers Centre
- Enable
- Gig Buddies
- Inclusion Scotland
- The National Development Team for Inclusion (NDTi)
- The National Involvement Network
- People First (Scotland)
- The People-Led Policy Panel
- The Scottish Commission for Learning Disability
- The Scottish Government
- The Scottish Learning Disability Observatory
- The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC)
- Senscot
- Shared Care Scotland
- Shared Lives
- Social Work Scotland
- Talking Points East Renfrewshire
- The Usual Place (part of Inspired Community Enterprise Trust)
- Uppertunity
- Values Into Action Scotland
We have also invited HSCPs to share their experiences of service adaptation during COVID-19 and how they have developed their day opportunities, commissioning and local strategy:
Evaluation and measures of success
The development of outcomes and measures drew upon The Keys to Life and Keys to Life Implementation Framework, pre-collaborative scoping questionnaires to Health and Social Care Partnerships (July 2020), the Collaborative Application process (closed September 2020), the preliminary evidence summary (September 2020) and the learning and coaching sessions with HSCP project teams (October-November 2020)
Short-term outcomes (what is learned and gained)
- S1 Increased knowledge and skills in respect to involving people who use services, parents, families and carers in service design and improvement processes
- S2 Insight gained into best practice, innovation and alternative models of support across Scotland and beyond, including learning from working through COVID-19
- S3 Increased knowledge, skills and confidence in applying the use of the Scottish Approach to Service Design and the Model for Improvement to support coproduced delivery
- S4 Project Teams provide each other with peer appraisals and draw on wider learning from other areas/sectors as means of understanding best practice
- S5 Greater understanding of national organisation strategies, expectations and supports available
- S6 Insight gained into the opportunities and challenges to implementing national strategy at a local level
Medium-term outcomes (what will be done differently)
- M1 The views of people who use services, families and carers contribute to discovery and define activities at a local level to create co-designed services
- M2 Redesign and improvement work is undertaken using a systematic framework to manage change projects
- M3 Day support models are developed with and peer input from other HSCPs
- M4 Health, Social Care, independent and 3rd sectors develop a greater understanding of their current system (stakeholders, strengths and weaknesses and factors that influence local context).
- M5 Knowledge of opportunities and challenges to implementing national strategy at a local level is used to inform Scottish Government strategy and policy
Long-term outcomes (the difference made)
- L1 The needs and personal choices of people with learning disabilities, their families, and unpaid carers are at the centre of change ideas within organisations who deliver support.
- L2 People with learning disabilities have greater choice in how and what opportunities they access, and are enabled to do this within in their local community
- L3 Day support models are based on strong evidence/good practice and informed by policy and strategy
- L4 Both organisations and the workforce are enabled to work in a way which promotes flexibility and choice for people with learning disabilities.
- L5 National level strategy, policy and resources are structured in a way which promotes and supports organisations and the workforce to be flexible and responsive to the needs and choices of people with learning disabilities accessing support.
Equality Impact Assessment
The Equality Impact Assessment (EqIA) for the New Models for Day Support Collaborative documents how we have explored and addressed inequalities in the Collaborative.