Using a behavioural model in the New Models for Learning Disability Day Supports Collaborative:
What is the ISM behavioural model?
ISM (Individual, Social, Material) is a tool to understand behaviour that takes into account individual, social, and material factors in order to achieve substantive and long lasting change. The tool was developed from an international review of behaviour change initiatives published by Southerton et al (2011).
What have we learned so far?
Participants reflected on the highly complex context in which they work, and the direct influence this work is having on key stakeholder groups. The value of existing networks such as peer support groups was emphasized in relation to supporting changes in behaviours and attitudes among individuals.
Rules & Regulations
Procurement and commissioning-wise, there is the perception that these hinder the ability of practitioners to work in a way that promotes personal choice and outcomes. Regulations within corporate procurement lack insight from health and social care.
Communities are not necessarily ready infrastructure-wise for the alternative support options we are considering.
Health and social care services have been on an incredible digital journey and recognised the need to upskill the workforce in this area.
Digital poverty is still a massive disadvantage for people receiving services but also a great tool for enabling networks and relationships.