Using the Johari Window in the New Models for Learning Disability Day Supports Collaborative:
What is the Johari Window?
The Johari Window is a tool that can be used for team building and self-awareness. It was produced in 1955 by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham and the name “Johari” was formed by combining their first names.
What have we learned so far?
The Johari Window exercise highlighted the unique contribution of each team, and helped to establish common ground. It prompted teams to consider what they do not yet know. This learning will continue to frame future discussions according throughout the collaborative (see below).
Ongoing application of the Johari Window will highlight learning in three key areas:
a)Within Project Teams
- asking other team members
- telling other team members
b)Within Partnerships
- asking others
- telling others
c)Across partnerships (Dec-Mar)
- asking other collaborative members
- telling other collaborative members
The Johari window diagram
The Johari Window, with key areas highlighted for future discussion. Participants will share information not known to others (pink), and ask for information not known to them (blue).

Image of four boxes showing open area, blind area, hidden area and unknown area