Unpaid Carers Improvement Programme Updates

The Unpaid Carers Improvement Programme has now ended, as of 31st March 2024. The range of resources that we developed will continue to be available on our webpages. We hope these will continue to be helpful in supporting the planning and delivery of improvement activity to identify, involve and support carers across local health and care systems.

Event Report: Involving Unpaid Carers in Hospital Discharge (March 2024)

We held an in-person event in Glasgow on 6th March 2024, bringing together delegates across Scotland from health and social care and the third sector, who have a role in improving carer involvement in hospital discharge. You can read more about the event here.  

Short Breaks Impact Story - Dundee Short Breaks Service (March 2024)

We have produced an impact story with Dundee Carers Centre, looking at how their short breaks service takes brokerage approach to providing breaks to unpaid carers which are personalised, achievable and meet carer needs. You can read the story here.

New Resources for Improving Carer involvement in Hospital Discharge (March 2024)

We have produced two new resources to assist local teams with making improvements to how unpaid carers are involved and supported through hospital discharge planning: a change package and a report on the role of the hospital-based carer support worker. You can access these resources here.

Short Breaks Impact Story - Falkirk HSCP (November 2023)

We have produced an impact story with Falkirk HSCP, looking at how their Short Breaks Bureau team planned and implemented an innovative approach to delivering alternatives to traditional care homes and testing different ideas to achieve good outcomes for the carer and cared for person.  Continue reading…  

Short Breaks Landscape Review (October 2023)

We have produced a report on the current short breaks strategic planning and commissioning landscape, and to gauge the readiness of stakeholders for the new legal 'right to a break'. Read more here.

Learning Resource: Equal Partners in Care (EPiC) (May 2023)

Our colleagues at NHS Education Scotland are producing a set of training modules on caring for unpaid carers. Equal Partners in Care (EPiC) is intended for all staff who come into direct contact with carers in their day-to-day jobs, and anyone with a workforce education and learning role, and/or managers who support the workforce to improve outcomes for carers and the people they care for. You can access them here.

Short Breaks Impact Story - NHS Highland (November 2022)

We have produced an impact story with NHS Highland, looking at their short break service for carers which ensures choice and control by utilising direct payments via Self Directed Support (SDS).  Continue reading…  

Strategic Planning Learning Session (July 2022)

A learning session on developing and implementing local carer strategies was held on 7 July 2022, bringing together 40 delegates representing 17 Health and Social Care Partnerships. Continue reading...

Involving Carers in Hospital Discharge, Learning Session (October 2022)

Our first learning session on involving unpaid carers in hospital discharge was held on Thursday 20th October 2022, bringing together participants from networks representing Discharge without Delay leads, local carer leads and care centre managers. Presentations were made by colleagues from NES, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, and Fife HSCP/Fife Carers Centre. Continue reading....