Impact Stories
We have produced a series of impact stories to highlight different local approaches to provision of short breaks, and demonstrate the value of identifying, involving and supporting unpaid carers across a wide range of health services. We hope you will find these useful in developing your own approach to improving carer involvement in your area of work.
Involving Unpaid Carers in Health
- Involving carers at the Scottish Liver Transplant Unit (Edinburgh Health & Social Care Partnership)
- Friendly Faces initiative: Involving carers throughout an orthopaedic pathway (NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde)
- Embedding carer support in the hospital discharge hub (Fife Health & Social Care Partnership)
- Putting the carer voice at the centre of the design and delivery of alcohol, drug and homeless services (Reducing Harm, Improving Care)
- Working in partnership to identify and support carers from point of diagnosis (West Lothian Dementia Services)
- Involving unpaid carers in improving care coordination for people with dementia in Inverclyde (Focus on Dementia)
- Working in Partnership: Improving team wellbeing by identifying and supporting unpaid carers in the Edinburgh Hospital at Home service (Hospital at Home)
Local Approaches to Short Breaks Provision
- Improving the delivery of outcomes focused short breaks services for carers (NHS Highland)
- Self Directed Support Enablers, supporting unpaid carers and those they care for (Moray HSCP)
- Supporting meaningful short breaks for unpaid carers and cared for people (Falkirk HSCP)
- Dundee Carers Centre Short Breaks Service - the journey to brokerage (Dundee City HSCP)