Report: Supporting carers through hospital discharge - the role of the hospital-based carer support worker

This report explores the role of hospital-based carer support workers (HCSW) in improving how unpaid carers are identified, involved and supported in hospital discharge planning.

We worked with local teams where these roles are established to understand the impact of the HCSW role on the experience of carers, staff and the hospital discharge system. The report also explores the elements that enable success, the main challenges and key recommendations for implementing this approach.

This report will be useful for:

  • Frontline NHS teams interested in improving their approach to identifying, involving and supporting carers through hospital discharge,
  • HSCP and third sector managers interested in improving their local HCSW activity and,
  • Planners and commissioners with a role in ensuring sustainability and evidencing impact of HCSW roles.

We would like to thank the staff and carers from Ayrshire, Forth Valley and Fife who contributed their time, knowledge and experience to the content of this report.

You can read the report here.