Report: Short Breaks Landscape Review

Throughout 2022/23 we embarked on a journey, engaging with diverse stakeholder groups across Scotland to explore the short breaks for unpaid carers planning landscape. Our aim was to build understanding of the current short break strategic planning and commissioning landscape, and to gauge the readiness of all parties for the new legal 'right to a break'.

This report serves as a tool for discussions among stakeholders, a tool that will guide us towards improving the planning and delivery of short breaks. Our analysis and insights are drawn from a robust foundation, which includes engaging with stakeholders such as carers, carer leads, planners, commissioners, carer centre managers, and service providers.

We would like to thank stakeholders for their support throughout this activity:

  • Scottish Government Carers Policy Team
  • Carer Leads and Carer Centre mangers
  • NHS NSS Service Design Hub
  • Shared Care Scotland
  • Planners and commissioners from across Scotland

Read the report here: Short Breaks Landscape Review