Supporting new models of care
We provide quality improvement support to develop new models of care that improves patient care experience and outcomes.
Why focus on new models of care?
The 2018 General Medical Services Contract in Scotland proposes a refocusing of the GP role as expert medical generalist. This refocusing of the GP role will require some tasks currently carried out by GPs to be carried out by members of a wider primary care multi-disciplinary team, where it is safe, appropriate, and improves patient care.
As set out in the GP contract and the Memorandum of Understanding, service redesign will allow for longer consultation for patients where they are needed – in particular for complex care of patients with multi-morbidity, including co-morbidity of physical and mental health issues. This requires new models of care that are safe, effective and improve patient outcomes.
What do we do?
We provide quality improvement and service redesign support to Health and Social Care partnerships (HSCPs), NHS boards and GP Clusters to assist them in the implementation of their Primary Care Improvement Plans and primary care and medicines related safety priorities.
How are we going to achieve it?
- By developing the skills and role of practice administrative teams in GP practice settings through the Practice Administrative Staff collaborative
- By providing quality improvement support on the areas for service design identified in the contract, such as Community Treatment and Care services.
- By providing quality improvement support through the Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP) in Primary Care to ensure that primary care is safe and that patients don’t fall through the gaps as they move across different parts of our health and social care system.
- By providing quality improvement support to ensure safer use of medicines from a whole system approach, focusing on the patient as they move between care settings and home through the SPSP Medicines collaborative