We work with healthcare professionals implementing Community Treatment and Care (CTAC) services to share learning that improves the delivery of CTAC services.

CTAC services deliver a range of interventions in community settings, such as phlebotomy and minor surgery. The GMS contract (2018) and the supporting Memorandum of Understanding 2 (MoU 2 2021-2023) highlighted the need for CTAC services to be designed locally, taking into account local population health needs, existing community services as well as what bring the most benefit to practices and patients. Find out more about CTAC services.

The CTAC Network is for healthcare professionals across NHS boards in primary care settings and HSCPs implementing CTAC services. What you could gain from being a CTAC network member is access to:

  • learning from other NHS boards/ HSPC to address local challenges implementing CTAC
  • practical ideas, tools and resources from other CTAC services that can help address local challenges in the design and delivery of CTAC services
  • a network of peers from other NHS boards/HSCPs implementing CTAC services, and
  • examples of using QI methodology to support the design and deliver of CTAC service.


Support for healthcare professionals across NHS Boards in primary care settings and HSCPs

We support healthcare professionals across NHS boards in primary care settings and HSCPs by:

  • facilitating networking sessions
  • providing an open platform for members to share learning and best practice
  • sharing resources that support the design, implementation and delivery of CTAC
  • sharing good practice and capturing challenges and innovations to overcome them through the development of a range of case studies and event summaries, and
  • maintaining the CTAC network and continuing to provide the opportunity for stakeholders to come together and share experiences.


Get involved

Over 190 healthcare professionals from across all 14 health boards are currently participating in the network. You can get involved by:

  • registering to become a CTAC Network member and receive invites to upcoming CTAC Network sessions
  • reading about our May 2024 network session in the latest event summary and reading more about previous network sessions, and
  • following the HIS Primary Care Improvement Portfolio at @SPSP_PC on Twitter for updates, CTAC announcements and news on other related topics of interest.


Get in touch

Email us at his.pcpteam@nhs.scot if you have a question about the CTAC Network or if would like to join the network.