GP Cluster Working Learning Cycle

Read the GP Cluster Working Learning Cycle report Healthcare Improvement Scotland has recently published.

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Our aims

This learning cycle aimed to: 

  • provide a better understanding of:
    • the key components and drivers that enable effective cluster working
    • the common barriers and enablers to cluster working, and
    • identify examples of good practice that are driving successful cluster working
  • help reflection on GP cluster working and identify the next steps at local and national level.


How we did it

We applied the principles of the 90-day learning cycle methodology; considering the evidence and literature, and interviewing a wide range of stakeholders from different roles and organisations.


What we found

Read the GP Cluster Working Learning Cycle report to find out about the following:

  • summary of the high level findings
  • framework of key components for cluster working, with key points to consider under each component, including examples; a driver diagram accompanies the framework
  • list of questions for local reflection, and
  • list of questions for national reflection.


Next steps 

  • Disseminate the findings.
  • Practice Quality Leads and Cluster Quality Leads, HSCPs and health boards to reflect together on the findings outlined in this report and discuss what should be done next locally.
  • Government, national organisations and key stakeholder representatives to reflect together on the findings outlined in this report with and discuss what should be done next at national level. This will inform future iterations of guidance for clusters.

Contact us

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