
Below you will find links to tools and resources relating to the Practice Administrative Staff Collaborative.


Workflow Optimisation

To access the Workflow Optimisation Digital Toolkit, with accompanying resources, please click here.

Workflow Optimisation Measurement Plan

Workflow Optimisation Readiness Tool

External Case Study - Workflow Optimisation in Coldstream General Practice


Care Navigation

To access the Care Navigation Toolkit Digital Toolkit, with accompanying resources, please click here.


Available Training Programmes

Throughout the Collaborative, our PASC teams have used a variety of internal and external training providers in order to assist with their education and delivery of Workflow Optimisation and Care Navigation. A selection of these providers are listed in the document below:

PASC Training Providers


NHS Education for Scotland (NES)

Quality Improvement

Quality Improvement Zone - including templates for Driver Diagrams, PDSAs and Process Maps

Human Factors and Ergonomics

IHI YouTube Video - Why Is Psychological Safety so Important in Health Care?

IHI YouTube Video - Three Ways to Create Psychological Safety in Health Care


NHS 24

NHS inform toolkit

We'll Keep You Right toolkit

External Case Study - In Hours GP Triage Project


Scottish Government

2018 GP Contract

Health and Social Care Standards


The Health Foundation

External Case Study - Four case studies of data sharing in general practice