Previous sprint teams

We have worked with 30 teams to test a change to their service as part of the Primary Care Improvement Collaborative since the beginning of May 2024. 

Get in touch if you would like to us to put you in contact with a participating team by emailing us at

See below the full list of teams which have completed a sprint: 

Practice/team name Topic NHS Board HSCP
Airlie Medical Practice Call volume and appointments NHS Fife Fife
Arrochar Surgery Workflow optimisation, appointments and Serial prescriptions NHS Highland Argyll and Bute
Barclay Medical Practice Care navigation NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Glasgow City
Carnoustie Medical Group Acute prescribing  NHS Tayside Angus
Dundee City PC FCP Care navigation NHS Tayside Dundee City
East Lothian Primary Care Pharmacy Team Workflow optimisation and QI skills NHS Lothian East Lothian
Hospital Hill Surgery Appointments, call volume, care navigation and workflow optimisation NHS Fife Fife
Inverkeithing Medical Group Appointments NHS Fife Fife
Ladywell Medical Centre (West) Appointments, care navigation, acute prescribing and QI skills NHS Lothian Edinburgh City
Moffat Medical Practice Workflow optimisation NHS Dumfries and Galloway Dumfries and Galloway
Tain & District Medical Group PCAP & Pharmacotherapy NHS Highland Highland
Viewfield Medical Practice Care navigation, appointments and QI skills NHS Forth Valley Falkirk
Ravenswood Surgery
Workflow optimisation NHS Tayside Angus
Shebburn Medical Practice Workflow optimisation NHS Dumfries and Galloway Dumfries and Galloway
Dollar Health Centre Care navigation NHS Forth Valley Clackmannanshire and Stirling
Dundee Community Treatment and Care Service Appointments NHS Tayside Dundee City
Galloway Hills Medical Group Care navigation and workflow optimisation NHS Dumfries and Galloway Dumfries and Galloway
Gillbrae Medical Practice Care navigation and workflow optimisation NHS Dumfries and Galloway Dumfries and Galloway
Ladywell Medical Centre (West) Care navigation NHS Lothian Edinburgh City
Lochthorn Medical Centre Care navigation NHS Dumfries and Galloway Dundee and Galloway
Macinnes Medical Practice
Acute prescriptions NHS Lanarkshire North Lanarkshire
Sandhead Surgery
Call volume NHS Dumfries and Galloway Dumfries and Galloway
St Michaels Medical Centre
Care navigation NHS Dumfries and Galloway Dumfries and Galloway

Get in touch if you would like to us to put you in contact with a participating team by emailing us at