
We work with primary care teams to test changes to prescribing processes and delivery of pharmacotherapy services

The GMS Contract (2018) and the supporting Memorandum of Understanding 2 outlined a commitment to the development of HSCP led pharmacotherapy services to support GP workload. Prescribing makes up a significant part of day-to-day workload in primary care services and this programme provides solutions to support rapid sustainable improvement.

The programme aims to deliver improvements that:

  • enable staff involved in prescribing to work together effectively, and
  • enable pharmacotherapy and practice staff to fully utilise their skills sets.


Support for primary care teams 

Support for pharmacotherapy teams will be delivered under the Primary Care Improvement Collaborative from Spring 2024. To find out more about the collaborative and apply to join, please visit the Join the Primary Care Improvement Collaborative webpage.

As part of our ongoing work on prescribing teams can access the Acute Prescribing Quick Guide, Acute Prescribing Toolkit and Serial Prescription Toolkit.


Get involved


Get in touch

Email us at if you have any questions about our resources. We would also like to here from you if your team have learning about improving pharmacotherapy processes you would like to share.