Improving Observation Practice

The Scottish Patient Safety Programme–Improving Observation Practice (SPSP IOP) aims to extend and build on existing good practice in mental health services to provide an improved model of person-centred care that can be applied in any healthcare setting.

The revised guidance reflects a shift in mind-set based on emerging good practice within mental health inpatient culture and practice which utilises a proactive intervention based approach to care, treatment and safety based on prevention, early recognition and early response strategies to address potential or actual patient deterioration of health, wellbeing or risk. This approach applies proactively to all patients in the ward.

This guidance moves away from centralising the use of observation status to determine and describe the nature and extent of care, treatment and safety planning and associated intervention and interaction an individual requires. Instead care, treatment and safety planning is guided by the identified specific clinical needs of the individual.

From Observation to Intervention


From Observation to Intervention

Read From Observation to Intervention - a proactive, responsive and personalised care and treatment framework for acutely unwell people in mental health care.

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